Grounded sleeping or working should not be missing in your package of healing self-care.
In addition to a healthy diet, regular exercise and mental relaxation, grounding is an essential factor for your health and immune system, for which you have to do virtually nothing.
By living, breathing in oxygen and digesting food, we are constantly oxidising (ageing). We continuously build a measurable static field of tension in our body of charged positive (+) electrons (protons). These are the remains of our daily metabolic process, also called free radicals, nothing less than electrical charges (voltage) in our cells. These harmful protons try to neutralise themselves by snapping around (discharging) in your healthy genetic material and thereby initiate micro-inflammations, thousands per day. This is the basic cause of most infections and diseases. Your cell voltage increases, your resistance is put to the test, your immunity decreases and you get inflammations that can start to grow into something more serious.
We can slow down this process by eating a healthy diet with lots of antioxidants (vegetables and fruit) and possibly by taking targeted nutritional supplements.
Our earth, however, is a gigantic and inexhaustible reservoir of negative (-) electrons, which instantly brings your built-up body tension (+) back into natural balance with direct contact. This is our basic bio-physics. You literally discharge when in contact with the earth and you constantly receive natural anti-inflammatory drugs. Your immune system is instantly relieved and is able again to fulfil its core task: to boost your vitality and health and keep diseases and ailments at bay.
This process happens perfectly when you sleep on an earthing sheet or use another earthing product to connect to the earth. In this naturally recovered balance, your ageing process can slow down, your recuperative capacity (immune system) can be optimised again and your body can recover vigorously(9).